As the clocks go forward and we welcome the lighter and longer days, we look into women’s sleep tips and how to wake up early in the morning feeling refreshed, with a spring in your step.
Waking up early in the morning is a great way to start your day on a productive note. But if you struggle with getting up early and feeling refreshed when you wake up, it can be challenging to maintain a good morning routine. And it’s no wonder because according to a study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews, adjusting our internal clocks (or circadian rhythms) to the new time on our alarm clocks, can take up to a week, or more!
When do the clocks go forward in the UK 2023?
The clocks will spring forward one hour on Sunday, March 26 at 1am in 2023 as we welcome the sunnier days of spring and summer. They will then be turned back one hour on Sunday, October 29.
Which countries change their clocks like the UK?
‘British Summer Time’ or Daylight Savings isn’t just a British tradition. In the European Union, all clocks change twice a year, while some countries outside the EU do the same as well. Several countries switch clocks twice a year, including New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Paraguay, Cuba and Haiti.
In the United States, daylight saving time has been observed since the 1970s, but in 2022 the U.S. Senate passed legislation to make it permanent starting in 2023.
Why do clocks go forward in spring?
Clocks go forward in the spring as a way to make better use of the available daylight and to take advantage of the longer days. This practice is known as Daylight Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time in some countries.
The idea behind DST is to shift an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, so that people can enjoy more daylight in the evenings. This is especially beneficial during the spring and summer months when the days are longer. By moving the clock forward one hour in the spring, we can enjoy more daylight in the evenings and take advantage of the warmer weather.
DST was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, but it wasn’t until 1916 that Germany became the first country to adopt it as a way to conserve energy during World War I. The practice was later adopted by other countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
While DST has its benefits, it can also have some drawbacks. For example, some people find it difficult to adjust to the time change and may experience disrupted sleep patterns and daytime fatigue. Additionally, some studies suggest that DST may not actually result in significant energy savings and may even have negative impacts on health and safety, such as an increased risk of traffic accidents and heart attacks.
Regardless of the pros and cons, DST remains a common practice in many countries, and it continues to be a topic of debate and discussion among policymakers, scientists, and the public.

How to wake up early in the morning feeling refreshed (even when you’re tired)
Establish a consistent sleep schedule
One of the most important things you can do to wake up feeling refreshed is to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and can help you wake up feeling more alert and refreshed.
Create a calming bedtime routine
Establishing a calming bedtime routine can help you wind down before bed and prepare your mind and body for sleep. This can include activities such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
Caffeine and alcohol can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to wake up feeling refreshed. Avoid consuming these substances for several hours before bed to give your body enough time to metabolise them.
Limit screen time before bed
The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and make it harder to fall asleep. Avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed and consider using blue-light-blocking glasses if you need to use them.
Create a comfortable sleep environment
Creating a comfortable sleep environment can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. This can include using comfortable bedding, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, and minimising noise and distractions.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise can help improve the quality of your sleep and make it easier to wake up feeling refreshed. Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Avoid napping during the day
While napping can be beneficial for some people, it can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and make it harder to fall asleep at night. Avoid napping during the day if you struggle with feeling refreshed in the morning.
We also spoke to Catherine Morris, Managing Director of Tielle Love Luxury, who is using her many years of experience in the luxury linen industry to call on people to reset their sleeping habits and reap the health benefits this Spring.
“It’s a well-known fact that we spend a third of our lives asleep, and the quality of our slumber can have a real impact on our mental and physical health,” says Catherine. “Yet so many of us don’t consider the importance of sleep when going about our daily lives. If we’re sleep deprived, we’re less productive, less able to cope with stress and lack concentration. Here are my women’s sleep tips to boost your physical, mental and social well-being this Spring…”
Create a sleep sanctuary
“Sleep is proven to have a positive effect on mental and physical well-being, so creating a better sleeping environment is a no-brainer. Make the sleep environment a bastion of physical and mental relaxation that has as few distractions or potential sleep disruptions as possible.”
Invest in quality bedlinen
“Selecting quality bedding helps to create a great night’s sleep time after time. We recommend bed linen that’s made of 100% high-grade long-staple cotton. It will have a direct impact on how long bedding will last and how well you sleep. It is not only breathable and soft, helping you maintain a perfect sleeping temperature, but it also has superior strength over polycotton or polyester alternatives. So, although it may be slightly pricier, given the right care, it will last longer and will be more cost-effective in the long run.”
Switch tog with the seasons
“A hot bedroom is bad for sleep quality – 85% of Brits suffer from sleep disturbance as a result of being the wrong temperature. Make sure to alternate between different tog levels for your duvet throughout the year. In Spring consider changing your duvet to a lighter 4.5 or 7.5 tog to get a cool night’s sleep on warm evenings.”
Invest in products that have anti-allergy properties
“As hayfever season looms, opt for anti-allergy items that help prevent night-time allergies, such as our Suprelle Tencel Eco Fresh pillow and duvet which are loved by five-star hotels nationwide because they are the ultimate in sustainable luxury. Crafted from recycled materials and blended with Tencel, an award-winning botanic fibre to help keep you cool and dry as you sleep. Thoughtfully made to ensure what’s good for the environment is just as good for your bed, the pillows’ fibres meet the highest standards of performance and environmental quality, saving 80 million plastic bottles annually from going to landfill.”
Wash your linen regularly
Clean sheets are a fundamental factor in a healthy sleep routine. In fact, the clean fresh smell has been proven to aid nodding off. A recent YouGov study found that 33% of people change their linen once a week, 35% once every fortnight and the rest… who knows?! As onerous as it might sound, we advise giving your sheets a wash at once a fortnight and give your duvet and pillows a professional clean at least twice a year too.
Drink more water
Wellness expert, Vicki Marie Cossar says that every cell in your body needs water to function and dehydration has a huge effect on brain function, mood and energy levels. Not only that, but blood is more than 90 percent water and as it’s responsible for carrying oxygen and essential nutrients to different parts of the body and removing waste products, it’s imperative that we stay hydrated. When we go to bed hydrated, our core temperate is better regulated and we are more likely to achieve deep nourishing sleep.
Move more during the day
“It might sound counter-productive but exercise, and movement in general, can boost energy levels and help you to sleep better. Research shows that if you can manage to stick to a low-intensity running program three times a week for six weeks, you could be in for significant improvements in fatigue and sleep quality.”
Have a routine
“Going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning, even on weekends can help to improve your sleep, so you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning because you’ve given your body enough time to rest and repair.
Take a power nap
If you’re feeling zapped, don’t reach for the caffeine, instead reach for a throw and snuggle up. A 20-minute power nap is great for boosting alertness and motor learning skills. Research also shows that longer naps help boost memory and enhance creativity.
Quantity vs quality
We’re often told that getting eight hours sleep is the best way to wake up feeling restored and refreshed. Now experts such as Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan say quantity and quality sleep go hand in hand because the longer you sleep, the more cycles you will go through and the longer you’ll spend in the restorative zones.”